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Careers in the Poultry Field

Endless Opportunities in Poultry

The world will always need food. And, food industries will always need bright, ambitious, educated employees to help them produce it.

Poultry is America's choice. Every year, poultry gains in popularity as a preferred meat. Poultry products like chicken, turkey, duck and eggs make the industry a $20 billion-plus business.

Starting salaries are very competitive for many poultry industry positions. Rapid advancements are yours for the earning.

Those facts about financial rewards and opportunities alone may be enough to convince you to plan a poultry career. But even more important is the fact that you can work in a job that is interesting and challenging--one well suited to you.

Rewarding Careers

Here are some examples of jobs that are, and will be available in the poultry or allied industries:

  • Advertising/public relations
  • Bioscience
  • Business management
  • Computer science/data management
  • Distribution
  • Engineering
  • Food science
  • Genetics
  • Government agencies
  • Growout/breeder management
  • Home economics
  • Live production management
  • Personnel
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Poultry health
  • Poultry nutrition
  • Product development
  • Quality control/food safety
  • Research/teaching/extension
  • Sales/Marketing
  • Field Operations

If you feel that living and working close to nature is a rewarding way of life, you may choose a career that lets you do just that.

There are many field-related jobs such as breeder manager, growout farm manager, flock supervisor, hatchery manager, or feed mill manager. It's no longer a small-scale occupation, either: today's modern poultry production requires millions of birds, and tremendous capital investments. Experts trained in every phase of field operations--the basics of the industry--are much in demand.

Research and Technical Support

Do you dream of finding new discoveries that can change the world? It's a dream that can true in the poultry industry.

The results of research and scientific development are put to work in the industry almost every day. Scientists are continually studying biotechnology, genetics, nutrition, vaccines, and disease control, recycling of wastes, environmental protection, quality control, food safety, and product development, to name a few.

For the student with a knack for science, this means an abundance of purposeful and meaningful jobs at many levels in the industry.

Sales and Marketing

If you're creative, with fresh ideas and lively imagination, or if you're a people person, a form of marketing communications like advertising or public relations could be the challenge you're looking for.

Certain people are especially good at solving problems and thinking of new ways to attract and keep
customers. If that description fits you, you may be a perfect candidate for a sales or marketing management position.

Computer Science

If you expertise lies in computer programming, information systems, database management, or practically any other computer-related function, there is a place for you in the poultry industry.

Today computers are used in almost every aspect of the industry--from feed mills to hatcheries to processing plants, and al the way through the distribution systems.


If you feel challenged by the complicated world of big business--with the accompanying satisfaction and financial rewards--you'll find exciting challenges in the poultry industry.

All levels of a poultry company bustle with excitement. In the poultry industry, there are job opportunities all the way to the top--in management, finance, accounting, engineering, purchasing, and personnel, to name a few.

Allied Industries

A career in poultry doesn't mean you have to live and breathe chickens, eggs or turkeys. You may choose to work for an allied industry that supplies products or services to the poultry industry.

For instance, there's an abundance of jobs in pharmaceuticals, feed milling, equipment manufacturing, distribution, government, and teaching.

You'll enjoy the close contact with these vibrant support industries, and you'll discover many areas of potential advancement.

Are You Ready For a Poultry Career?

You want a job that will stimulate your interest, use your talents, provide a challenge, and offer satisfaction. You want to be financially secure. And, you want to be sure of finding a job when you graduate.

Choosing a career in the poultry industry can be very rewarding, both financially and personally.

For more information about how a major or minor in poultry science can help you qualify for those rewards, contact the Pacific Egg and Poultry Association.

Reprinted with permission of the Poultry Science Association.

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